World of tanks blitz what is the fastest non premium tank
World of tanks blitz what is the fastest non premium tank

If you are buying a premium tank, it's usually a good idea to buy one that shares a nationality and type with tanks you are actively working on for you, if you're working the American heavy line, I would recommend the T34. Premium account holders will generally double this net income due to tank costs being fixed. You can see a great chart here that shows, over the last 30 days, the net income (after accounting for repair, reammunition, and replacement of consumables used in the match) of all tanks in the game (as if they were played on a standard account - the chart is adjusted to account for premium bonuses etc).

world of tanks blitz what is the fastest non premium tank

The main money makers are the tier 8 premiums a good round in one of those can clear 100,000 credits (gross typically about 60-80,000 net, depending on ammo and repair costs) on a premium account. Premium tanks do get a credit bonus it's typically 130% or more of what a similar non-premium tank would get (I arrived at this number by comparing premium tank income to non-premium tanks that have a 30% or more credit bonus weekend).

World of tanks blitz what is the fastest non premium tank